Thursday, August 30, 2007

Take Me

On July 31 it was LDS night at the M's game so a bunch of us Mormons all decided to go. It was a big group of us including Mike, Amanda and Austen, Staci and Greg, Sam, Mary and Mia, and a bunch more. Amanda and I decided to try and get Austen and Ellis acquainted with eachother. :) Austen pretty much got to first base with Ellis and they can't even crawl yet. He's a cutie :). I was a lot of was Ellis' first baseball game. She did well but then ended up falling asleep in Loni's arms.


Ben said...

Hey guys, we want to come up and visit in September. When is good? Looks like you're having fun up there...

Kyla Stevens said...

Your family is so pretty. Hope to see a new post soon. Love you guys.