Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Review

So last night my friend and I braved the late hours and scores of hormone-ridden teenagers to go to the midnight opening of Twilight. I went in with my idea of how I wanted the story to be translated on-screen and what I saw I like and disliked at the same time. Here are my feelings broken out (with a couple thoughts, though not all):

What I liked:
- Edward - he was incredibly handsome and sexy in the movie - I think they cast very well for the role of Edward.
- I liked all of the Cullens (I just wished they had more screen time)
- Edward's jacket
- The fight scene in the ballet studio (though I think it should have gone longer and it ended a little more corny for my taste)

What I didn't like:
-Kristen Stewart as Bella: she was so awkward and did a lot of breathy sighs throughout the movie. I don't feel she was cast well at all.
- I feel like the plot was rushed, especially at the beginning. I don't know why they didn't take time to tell the story a bit better and just make the movie a little longer.
- Jacob and Bella's first meeting - it was SO awkward to watch; like bad acting
- The little details they could have made match the book but chose not to, including:
- Carlisle's car had tinted windows, the one in the movie did not
- Carlisle did not invite Laurent and crew to play ball
- The ballet studio was supposed to be little - not huge like the one they used
- Bella snuck away at the airport, not the hotel

I walked away from the movie last night a little disappointed, but my friend was pleased (she didn't have any expectations for the movie). It is hard because I want the movie to literally translate the book page for page onto the big screen, but deep down I know that wish is over the top.

Overall, now that I have had a three hours sleep to think about it, I liked the movie and want to see it again, though I will always prefer the books. I really would like to have someone who has not read the books, see the movie and let me know what they think. So if you know of anyone that has done that, please let me know.

Anyway, that is my two cents, though it is probably worth less. :)


Kyla Stevens said...

so I am glad to hear your review. I bought tickets online to see the movie today and then my plans totally changed and I couldnt go! bummer. Maybe we'll have to go this coming week.

KANDY said...

Once again.....our tastes in movies couln't be more opposite! The movie BLEW SO HARD!!!!
I wanted to leave the movie about 15 minutes into it!!
Edward was a DOUCHE BAG!! And his acting was pathetic! He always had thos look on his face like he needed to CRAP his pants.:)
I hope STEPH MEYER takes the$$$$$
from this one and hires a real writer. The cast sucked royaly, but since the damage is done, they caould try and follow the story next time around!
Miss you.