Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Loni's Love (His Car)

So Loni has been wanting me to post pictures of his "new" car for people that don't live here to see (mainly just Dan Stevens). I say "new" because we have had the car for over 6 months but he just put new rims on it - so to him it is like a whole new car. Anyway, I am sure he will be over this car in another six months and on to something different so enjoy this one while it is here. :) Just kidding - love you Loni!


Anonymous said...

Um, so ya- I didn't even know he got a new car! He got rid of his jag??? Its nice- I like it. We got a new car- finally a second since Scott got a job. Now I'm rollin' in a soccer mom van- its nice and I absolutely LOVE the automatic doors with my girls now- but still I must be the youngest mom to own a van!!! ;)

Kyla Stevens said...

I'm always trying to get dan to read blogs and he always rolls his eyes and says, "why do you try to get me to read these things?". Haha. now I know the secret: post pictures of CARS! The new wheels look awesome.