Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Uwajimaya and Sunny Days

We lucked out last Saturday with another beautiful, sunny day in the PNW, so we decided to go downtown. Amber and her daughter were visiting so we picked them up and headed to the city. We really didn't want to go to Pike Place and try to find parking, so we ended up going to Uwajimaya and walking around that store. Uwajimaya is located in China Town and they have some of the funnest (?) candy to get - which I have been wanting to get for a while now (sometimes that American stuff just doesn't cut it - haha). Plus there is gauranteed parking there - so it was a win win. Anyway, when we got there we were all hungry so we went to the little food court they have and ate. Amber suggested trying this mango pudding that one of the stalls sells - she said that Jaida loved it - so we got one and both of the girls DUG into it. I couldn't keep it coming fast enough for them and we even ended up getting another one for them to eat! Loni had orange chicken and general tsoa's (?) with rice and Amber had red curry. I just ate off of Loni's plate. After that we went around and loaded up on the candy they have - we got everything from gummies, to chewys, to gum. I love the candy.

Anyway, after we filled up with enough candy to last us through the next month, we didn't want to go home so we decided to go to Gas Works park. That is a park located near the U-District (actually right by where I used to live and by where Loni works now). It ended up being a lot of fun. The girls loved the open space, the lake and just being with eachother. I really hope they end up being good friends - they are already like bfs. One thing we noticed is that they feed off of eachother - if one person is doing one thing, the other person has to do the same thing. Anyway, here is a slideshow of the day.


Kyla Stevens said...

That sounds so fun. Next time we come up we'll have to go there. I've always wanted to go to china town and anything that involves candy and food is my type of activity.

KANDY said...

Dude....could that slide show be any more confusing on the eyes?? I am not patient enough to sit through it.....still shots are better! HAHAH~